What is a vector?
A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction. A vector always points in a certain direction.
Example of Vector:
When you tell someone 5km south, 20km up etc. It means you are talking about a vector quantity. But if simply say 5 km, 3okm, 5kg, 20second, these are not vector quantity. These quantity without direction are called scalar quantity.
What is a scalar quantity?
A quantity without direction are called scalar quantity. 5 km, 3okm, 5kg, 20second, these are scalar quantity.
Difference between scalar and vector quantity
A vector quantity has both magnitude and direction but a scalar quantity has only magnitude.
How to Add Vectors?
The image below shows three vectors A, B and C. We are going to add these three vectors. Here we will rules of vector addition because vector addition does not follow simple algebraic addition.

To add vectors follow these four steps:
1)Copy all the vectors as they are without changing magnitude and direction.
2)On the head of first vector put the tail of second vector.
3)Join the tail of first vector with the head of second vector. This is resultant vector.
4)If there are more vectors, follow the rule 1,2 and 3.
How to subtract vectors?
The image below shows three vectors A, and B . We are going to subtract these two vectors. Vector subtraction is similar to vector addition but with some changes. In vector subtraction we take negative of subtracting vector. Similar to addition, vector subtraction does not follow simple algebraic subtraction.

To Subtract vectors
1) Lets say, we are doing A-B. A-B can be written as A+ (-B).
2) It means if –B is opposite of vector B. So subtract vector take opposite of vector B.

Now follow the rule of addition
3) Copy all the vectors as they are without changing magnitude and direction.
4) On the head of first vector put the tail of second vector.
5) Join the tail of first vector with the head of second vector. This is resultant vector.
6) If there are more vectors, follow the rule 1,2 and 3.

Subtract vectors
The video below shows three vectors A, and B. Vector subtraction is similar to vector addition but with some changes.
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